Monday, May 12, 2008

More on Austria Evil Father - Confession + Story-Telling?!

Today, there're more stories being reported about this horrified news in Austria - the confession from the Insane Father aka Grandfather.. Also, he told the world about his SWEET stories with his ANOTHER FAMILY down at the dungeon...personally, it digust me very much.

He told media how much he loves his SECOND family down at the dungeon, which wifed by his own flesh daughter, childrened by his own grandchildren. He even said Elisabeth is a "GOOD WIFE"...oh my goodness! On top of so much sins he had done, he still able to pull out the "sweet moments" that he's so proud of! What a great romantic love he has, enough to sacrifice 7 healthy lives and his own family member's feelings...

On the other side, I read happy moments Elisabeth spent with her family, yet I'm not so convinced when the her sister-in-law said she was "chatty, healthy, normal..." I wondering how a human can act such normally after so much happened on her? Unless..someone is telling something which is not true..or there is another side of the story? that Elisabeth's situation is not as bad as told? I'd rather believe that the sister-in-law is trying to cover up the ass of her brother-in-law, the insane father or grandfather, in this terrible story..

But what if Elisabeth's condition was not as bad as we imagine?...maybe she has used to the life down at the dungeon? or she was in love with her own father aka her husband? after so many years living in a small space, maybe she has accepted that the her father has became her husband? I can't think any further makes me feel cold and scary..

Anyway, I felt relief when the report said Elisabeth is healthy and getting stronger (eventhough I still doubt at it). Afterall, health is all that matters. We can fix other things when we have good health.

Sad story for the ill daughter, 19 years old Kristen. Report says she's extremely ill, she has no teeth...ya, no teeth, at 19 of age. I hope she can make it to live, become strong, to slap at this insane man at his face...

Read the News here:'s-one-man-campaign-that-exposed-the-truth.html,23599,23682925-401,00.html

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