Thursday, May 22, 2008

Thank you, My Friends !

Last Friday, I had a meeting my girl friends. It has been so long time since the last time we had meeting like that, you know..girls meeting, no guy around.

I was late, again! haha, I'm always the late one for MOST of the meetings. (come on, sometimes I'm on-time

At first, I thought I was not able to make it to the meet-up because I had meeting that day at 5pm, then KS mum is leaving to China that night, it's the culture of KS family to have dinner together and accompany the parent to the KL Sentral when they going oversea. If I tell KS I'm going out, will he be angry because we really seldom have dinner with her mum lately? hmm.....

Luckilly, when I called up KS's sister, she said her mum had "da bao" her dinner already since she has not finish packing her stuffs. Thank god! Now, I'm out of the dillemma! Haha.. (I hope KS mum was not dissapointed because I didn't say goodbye to her, )

Dinner with the girls was awesome! We had western food fiesta at the newly opened restaurant named "Tony Roma's". It's very famous, I've seen the restaurant when I was in Fullerton, California. Our tour guide recommended us to try the cuisine there (she said very famous in Taiwan wor), but we didn't dare to enter the doorstep of the restaurant. Why? Because we worry the PRICE will be a heart-attack for us. LOL~ But it was really out of my expectation when the bill charged 5 of us like RM200 that night on 4 dinner meals. I thought it's going to be like RM70-80 per person.

The food we ordered was so delicious, I liked the grilled Salmon so much! Tender in the inside and crispy on the outside, it's so perfect !! I had no chance to try other food because my tummy was going to explode after I stucking the whole Salmon to my stomach. (it was too tasty that I cannot leave them on the table u know, I have to finish them all!)

After a long dinner, Diana said "ah..the night is still young!". Then I said "ya ya.. very young tim!" and she were being naughty that night. (no bfs around + long time never go to club = wat u waiting for? party time!)

But there were something I didn't notice until we started to chit-chat at the Italianese. It was not party time for some of my friends.

Ping has broken up with Hao Kan........

Ya, they broke up for sometime already. .. didn't surprise me. .. but I'm a little concern about Ping. Worry about she's staying alone, and hanging out with people that she might not know much.. etc etc.. Tonight I'll sms her, see how's she's doing ..

Then, it's Mian. I've never seen her stress-out like that before! Her work must have challenge her so so much. Now she's in Bintulu, somewhre she hates to stick aroung with. But it's work, and she has no choice. Hope she'll be healthy always, and happy. Next year, look for a new job that require no travel ! But something is really good, Mian is thinner already, haha.. I also want to be thin like her ! (ah, now I'm mad, thinking about my big tummy..)

Ah Fu, she was so quite that night. I think because her contact lenses were dry-out. I finally saw her laptop! Hu hu hu..very nice laptop, and even nicer because it's FOC. Her company really very rich !

Diana..what can I say. She was the best listener that night, simply because she tumpang my car to go home. LOL ~ I'm not sure she was willing to listen to my long and never ending stories or she was asleep/yawning/发呆ing, but I really appreciate it ! Cha boh, you are the best! Please follow my car again next time, okay? Let me nagging around..LOL~

That's all my story for the last weekend. It was so fantastic because of you all, my friends !! Thank you so much !, when is the next clubbing time ya?..

Comment from Dinosaur aka Diana (my sweet friend)
I am always a good listener..haahha hope all our friends will be doing ok. :)
more updates! more updates! :P

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