Monday, May 26, 2008




Thursday, May 22, 2008

Thank you, My Friends !

Last Friday, I had a meeting my girl friends. It has been so long time since the last time we had meeting like that, you know..girls meeting, no guy around.

I was late, again! haha, I'm always the late one for MOST of the meetings. (come on, sometimes I'm on-time

At first, I thought I was not able to make it to the meet-up because I had meeting that day at 5pm, then KS mum is leaving to China that night, it's the culture of KS family to have dinner together and accompany the parent to the KL Sentral when they going oversea. If I tell KS I'm going out, will he be angry because we really seldom have dinner with her mum lately? hmm.....

Luckilly, when I called up KS's sister, she said her mum had "da bao" her dinner already since she has not finish packing her stuffs. Thank god! Now, I'm out of the dillemma! Haha.. (I hope KS mum was not dissapointed because I didn't say goodbye to her, )

Dinner with the girls was awesome! We had western food fiesta at the newly opened restaurant named "Tony Roma's". It's very famous, I've seen the restaurant when I was in Fullerton, California. Our tour guide recommended us to try the cuisine there (she said very famous in Taiwan wor), but we didn't dare to enter the doorstep of the restaurant. Why? Because we worry the PRICE will be a heart-attack for us. LOL~ But it was really out of my expectation when the bill charged 5 of us like RM200 that night on 4 dinner meals. I thought it's going to be like RM70-80 per person.

The food we ordered was so delicious, I liked the grilled Salmon so much! Tender in the inside and crispy on the outside, it's so perfect !! I had no chance to try other food because my tummy was going to explode after I stucking the whole Salmon to my stomach. (it was too tasty that I cannot leave them on the table u know, I have to finish them all!)

After a long dinner, Diana said "ah..the night is still young!". Then I said "ya ya.. very young tim!" and she were being naughty that night. (no bfs around + long time never go to club = wat u waiting for? party time!)

But there were something I didn't notice until we started to chit-chat at the Italianese. It was not party time for some of my friends.

Ping has broken up with Hao Kan........

Ya, they broke up for sometime already. .. didn't surprise me. .. but I'm a little concern about Ping. Worry about she's staying alone, and hanging out with people that she might not know much.. etc etc.. Tonight I'll sms her, see how's she's doing ..

Then, it's Mian. I've never seen her stress-out like that before! Her work must have challenge her so so much. Now she's in Bintulu, somewhre she hates to stick aroung with. But it's work, and she has no choice. Hope she'll be healthy always, and happy. Next year, look for a new job that require no travel ! But something is really good, Mian is thinner already, haha.. I also want to be thin like her ! (ah, now I'm mad, thinking about my big tummy..)

Ah Fu, she was so quite that night. I think because her contact lenses were dry-out. I finally saw her laptop! Hu hu hu..very nice laptop, and even nicer because it's FOC. Her company really very rich !

Diana..what can I say. She was the best listener that night, simply because she tumpang my car to go home. LOL ~ I'm not sure she was willing to listen to my long and never ending stories or she was asleep/yawning/发呆ing, but I really appreciate it ! Cha boh, you are the best! Please follow my car again next time, okay? Let me nagging around..LOL~

That's all my story for the last weekend. It was so fantastic because of you all, my friends !! Thank you so much !, when is the next clubbing time ya?..

Comment from Dinosaur aka Diana (my sweet friend)
I am always a good listener..haahha hope all our friends will be doing ok. :)
more updates! more updates! :P

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

靈魂擁抱 - 侯文詠


第一次读侯文詠的书已是十几年前的事了。那本书,離島醫生, 是我哥的。我不是很记得书的内容,但是书的封面真的让我难忘,其实也没什么特别,就是不知道为什么我会那么难忘。就是一个男人,坐在一个岛上。




那么,灵魂拥抱又是说些什么呢?我现在已读了一半,还不错。故事是环绕在4个人物上: 一位名作家,患了癌症的女粉丝,漂亮的新闻女主播,单恋得有点变态的男摄影师。

读这本书没什么压力,我最喜欢这类书籍,让人可以放松。好像在看戏一样,但是却比看戏更精彩,为什么?因为看戏,只有导演的想象,所有情节,细节,都是导演一人的指定动作,怎样笑,怎样变态。。看书就不同了,我有一大想象空间; 而且,文字的描述远比演出来的详细多了。







  山崎豐子 (Yamasaki Toyoko)1924年生於大阪,京都女子大學國文科畢,在每日新聞學藝部任職期間於井上靖轄下擔任記者,工作之餘從事寫作,於一九五七年以《暖簾》一 書初試啼聲,進入文壇,第二年即以《花暖簾》獲直木賞,之後辭掉報社工作專事寫作。1963年在《Sunday每日》週刊上開始《白色巨塔》的連載,因探 討醫病之社會關係,內容尖銳,引起話題。其後陸續發表《二個祖國》、《大地之子》、《不落的太陽》,1993年獲頒菊池寬賞。

Monday, May 12, 2008

More on Austria Evil Father - Confession + Story-Telling?!

Today, there're more stories being reported about this horrified news in Austria - the confession from the Insane Father aka Grandfather.. Also, he told the world about his SWEET stories with his ANOTHER FAMILY down at the dungeon...personally, it digust me very much.

He told media how much he loves his SECOND family down at the dungeon, which wifed by his own flesh daughter, childrened by his own grandchildren. He even said Elisabeth is a "GOOD WIFE"...oh my goodness! On top of so much sins he had done, he still able to pull out the "sweet moments" that he's so proud of! What a great romantic love he has, enough to sacrifice 7 healthy lives and his own family member's feelings...

On the other side, I read happy moments Elisabeth spent with her family, yet I'm not so convinced when the her sister-in-law said she was "chatty, healthy, normal..." I wondering how a human can act such normally after so much happened on her? Unless..someone is telling something which is not true..or there is another side of the story? that Elisabeth's situation is not as bad as told? I'd rather believe that the sister-in-law is trying to cover up the ass of her brother-in-law, the insane father or grandfather, in this terrible story..

But what if Elisabeth's condition was not as bad as we imagine?...maybe she has used to the life down at the dungeon? or she was in love with her own father aka her husband? after so many years living in a small space, maybe she has accepted that the her father has became her husband? I can't think any further makes me feel cold and scary..

Anyway, I felt relief when the report said Elisabeth is healthy and getting stronger (eventhough I still doubt at it). Afterall, health is all that matters. We can fix other things when we have good health.

Sad story for the ill daughter, 19 years old Kristen. Report says she's extremely ill, she has no teeth...ya, no teeth, at 19 of age. I hope she can make it to live, become strong, to slap at this insane man at his face...

Read the News here:'s-one-man-campaign-that-exposed-the-truth.html,23599,23682925-401,00.html

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Austria Evil Father





看了之后,我觉得很失望。把家人伤害的那么深,他的第一句话居然是为自己打抱不平!都什么时候了, 他还不醒觉?也许,野兽是个很重的称呼,也许他不是杀人凶手,也许他并没有我们想像的那么变态,也许。。是,是有很多也许让世人对他不要太绝情。但是,这些是最重要的吗?难道不是应该想想他的孩子。。还是孙子的健康吗?危在旦夕,人命攸关,难道我们也要像这个无耻的父亲一样忘记了吗?









Wednesday, May 7, 2008





专科医生名字叫“Gomez", 是个葡萄牙血种。听说他是城中有名的专科。在医生房里,她把手按在小咪咪的眼睛四周,然后在一个地方停顿了下来,说:“这里有个肿瘤,嗯,应该不是什么严重的瘤。你的眼睛本来就是这个颜色吗?”





“哪,我还需要定时来让你检查吗?” 小咪咪实在按捺不住雀跃的心情,连说话时都好像在手舞足蹈。



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