Thursday, May 10, 2007

Hello ! Hello ! Hello ! Anybody out there?

Have been writing this blog for quite sometime already, but seems no one visit and give comments. Hey you ! Ppl out there, don't be so cold-blooded mah. Give face lah, at least I have some encouragement to continue this blog.

Lately, have nothing special to write. Just back from US trip, didn't feel much excitement as last time when I went to Australia. Sigh~ maybe because I'm OLD already, very hard to satisfy, like my bf said. Maybe I was comparing too much the lifestyle there with my lifestyle, that's why I feel a little discourage and depress. Yayaya, I know what you thinking..we cannot compare with them mah..I know I know. They are American, we are Malaysian mah..ok ok, I know ! I know it's stupid to compare with them and feel bad.

Ok, let's talk about something else.

My married friend called me to update about each other's life. He's not happy because his wife can't get along with his mum. Family battle~~ and he's in the middle. Sigh ~ can hear he's sighing over the other side of the phone.

Pin ! I will support you ! Don't piss, give a little patience. If you too stress out, can shout at me, just call me!

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