Thursday, March 27, 2008


今天我又去了18楼的toilet, 哈哈。




Tuesday, March 25, 2008

2008年, 对不起!Part 2

Hello Hello, I'm back! Waiting for KS to lunch, so I have little time to continue my unfinished blog yesterday. Hehe..where did I stop already ya yesterday..Oh ya.. FebruaryYa, Feb is busy month and happening month for CNY. Same as all past years, I spent all the time with KS family. Ya, because my family don't celebrate CNY, and usually they are gone for vacation during that time. We went to Tai Ping for one day trip, ya! That's was our second time. The purpose is to visit KS granny and his uncles in Tai Ping. But due to high traffic, we only spent 2-3hrs in Tai Ping. The whole journey was very tiring. But I was happy to meet KS relatives, they look exactly the same la. haha. His granny is a good woman, her smile is very calming, although she's sick, she still very warm to us and never complaint about her sickness.

You know what, I like old folks and babies very much, dunno why. When I see babies or old ppl, I like to smile at them, and look into their faces and eyes. Maybe I've spent a long long time in city, everyday looking at fake faces, unpredictable faces, undescribable faces, sad faces; when I look at babies faces, I will feel "I'm Alive! I'm real! I'm still in the World" Haha..siao siao..Older ppl's faces, when I look at them, I feel really calm. Feel love and protection. How I wish I have grandpa or grandma..

Oh ya, something BIG happen in Feb.. I've fired my assistant. Later I will write the full story, now just summarize to one phrase - he's not suitable for the job. Haha...I think this is always the reason lah..After he's gone, I'm more busy, workload back to my shoulder again. Sigh~ but my mind is more relax, eventhough I have to work longer time. I rather to do more, tired than to prepare for serious heart attack. haha..

Oh, meeting time..that's for the beginning of 2008.

Personally, dunno why, I just so like 2008. This number make me feel more comfortable than 2007. I just hate "27" in my age column. But dunno why, 28 looks good.
So I have a hunch that this year will be a good year for me, and great year for Malaysia, and hopefully a peaceful year for the World.

Long life DAP & 反对党!Long life 马英九!Long life Obama...?haha

Saturday, March 15, 2008

2008年, 对不起!

2008年, 对不起!


2008年过得还好吧~ 我呢,还不错。不过,是超忙得啰- 工作量又多了,睡觉时间更乱了 - 种种因素害得我要update blog的时间都没有!



忙买衣服啰,不懂为什么好像都买不完。买了又觉得不适合,又觉得没去xxx shopping好像不甘愿。其实,真正的原因是。。本小姐便胖了!!! 结果就什么都买不到,买到了又嫌自己穿得不好看。真是气死我,有够不爽。本是小人家肥,人家胖,现在轮到自己了啦。。好伤心

二月- 新年
准备那么多衣服,可以上场了!yes! 穿到大大件的衣服,根本没人看得出我的肥肉。哈哈哈!
年三十晚,我为团圆饭准备了一样菜- 我的拿手ponteh。ks家人吃得开心,我就也开心,嘻嘻。


